Nowadays, everything happening around the corner can be rapidly revealed on Internet without boundary, the media plays the main role. We believe in every possibility, we seek the truth, we share the beauty and discover the goodness of the world to bring in the positive energy to our society.
Supervival源自Super + Revival的結合。
Super,不分世代地域朗朗上口,且具有力量的字彙,旨在表達讓知識隨手可得平易近人的理念。 Revival,則有復興、再生之意。寓意的是Renaissance文藝復興,不論是藝術、科學、文學或宗教等各分野發展,皆百花爭豔人材輩出的時代。而如今的時代資訊氾濫,訊息取得雖彈指之間,真知灼見卻如鳳毛麟角,淹沒在虛實難辨的洪流之中。期許透過Supervival 整合各領域打造深度與廣度兼具的平台,分享知識,包容多元,喚醒屬於21世紀的文藝復興。
The name, "Supervival" is derived from the combination of Super + Revival.
Super, a slogan of strength that is unfettered by generations, is designed to express the idea that knowledge is readily available.
Revival has the meaning of revival and regeneration. The implied meaning derives from the Renaissance. Whether it is the development of art, science, literature or religion, it is an era of the rebirth of talents.
Nowadays, information is easily obtained between our fingers, yet valuable insights are rare and are often drowned in the torrent of obscured reality.
Through the integration of various areas of interest, Supervival aims to create depth and breadth in information as a platform, sharing knowledge and diversity to awaken the Renaissance of the 21st century.